
The new regulations draft version will not apply to the rural collective land

Early in January this year, office http://www.wow-gold-team.com/ (wow gold) of the state council had publicly "to tear open change compensation ordinance" draft, solicited public opinion. And for one year, the illegal, the violence around the new ordinance "and" legislation form the potential of the race. So, when the "new" in the regulations five chapter 31 terms will be how to protect the rights of the citizen? A second drafts and with January's drafts have what different?

Key words: a forced removals
"The government forced demolition" would probably be delimit history, because new regulations stipulated in the draft, "administrative organs http://www.flywowgold.com/ (wow gold) of forced demolition will be canceled, the government and government departmental can't use of administrative compulsion power to tear down the houses of the expropriated." China university of politics and law professor, vice President of MaHuaiDe, said the right will shift to judicial organs.

MaHuaiDe: "also is made to the collection of administrative organs, the parties decided to implement it, and bring an action. So this time the houses of the government on how to compensate department, can apply to the court for compulsory execution by court review requisition decision of compensation decision or close illegimate, and then make a decision on whether forced evictions."

Tsinghua university professor with http://www.cheapergold.co.uk/ (wow gold) the public administrative college DingZhaoLin said, citing the third party stood in the government and was on the balance of CaQianHu is a kind of progress.
DingZhaoLin: "and the third party should represent a fair to party, this time for it to the respon
sibility stronger, is by the third party http://www.85wowgold.com/ (wow gold) to do the judgement of equality. From the public management point of view, it is no longer a strong party for weak party. Drafts inside I think this thing is so worth to pay attention to."

In the second draft version, the two times involving "third party" : "the government cannot enforce the" and right transfer to court, transfer to the judicial organs. In the compensation standard, according to the different location location the http://www.wow77.com/ (wow gold) market trade, real estate prices by independent and objective of the third-party evaluation institutions do. DingZhaoLin said, the third party also need social supervision.

On an article: http://junyi-haikuotiankong1.blogspot.com/2011/09/rural-demolition-of-tongzhou-directly.html

