
The city hebei launch "ZhuLao formula" benefit villages, supporting the old man

The old man, five guarantees supporting villages groups such as the old man is the most need care social vulnerable groups, for they endowment, housing, medical treatment, difficult problems, such as relief of real life in hebei province city county should develop simultaneously, launch set living guarantee, cooperative medical care and personal insurance in one of the "ZhuLao formula", older civil administration object to achieve the "old to live in, a somewhat multi-form and difficult to have help,", effectively enhance their sense of happiness.
A: will be old family annual per capita income of below 1320 yuan all included in the rural elderly subsidies, give a high security; range Will the countryside aged over 60 "3 without" personnel into the "five guarantees", focus on the standard for support per person per year is 2760 yuan, scattered support standards for $1920 per person per year, realize the do insurance, press should be standard ShiBao goal. Years old is 100 yuan per month to health care subsidies.
Live in the rural endowment has: organization building strength, built the civil affairs career service center, star center home and province each 1 class a glorious institute, rural happiness institute, 60% of 26 the rural five guarantees supporting object realize the concentrated feed. By the end of 2015, the county 220 administrative villages will have a mutual happiness courtyard, endowment care institutions will reach per old people 30 copies and more.
By the county finance multi-form: capital contribution for all the rural five guarantees supporting object, low object and the object ginseng protect key this "new farming close", sick in hospital provides one-stop settlement, a serious illness patients can be apply for medical treatment.
Difficult to help: for the county-wide 60 one full year of life-80 years old rural civil administration for object "accident", set up old civil administration object accident injury insurance risk guarantee system. Each insurance accident injury death and disability insurance amount is 5000 yuan, accident harm medical insurance amount is 2000 yuan, ginseng protect charge by county civil affairs bureau burden.
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According to the plan to strengthen the construction of the clinic

In the plan zhutang town bright village, the village, FanJunJie village doctor is to the villagers WeiXiuQin for a physical examination. WeiXiuQin told reporters: "near home, drug prices and cheap, originally afraid of money can't see the doctor, now often to do a physical examination!" In recent years, to strengthen the construction of rural clinic plan, the county 118 administrative villages have 167 village clinic, strengthen rural medical service "chassis".
Rural clinic to undertake the rural masses of common diseases treatment, plan immunization work, such as in the maintenance of healthy body, promote the development of rural economy has the role that cannot be replaced. Therefore, unified plan new rebuilt village clinic, and for each village clinic equipped with mist maker, magnetic therapy machine value of 4400 DuoYuan "new ten small" medical equipment, a change to the village doctor equipment and backwardness of diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, the county village doctor, vigorously promotes the training work, maternity and child care department monthly XiangCunJi meeting held a times, and in DaiXun on rural doctors will, for high-risk maternal screening, and maternal risk factors assessment standards, the first aid training, etc.
"In the past, many farmers to choose their own sick carry it, sometimes will ailment pulls a serious illness or even very sick." Zhutang town center of sand hospital dodson TB told reporters. Today, farmers in the village clinic can buy 121 varieties 192 product rules medicines, village doctor can treat gastritis, 50 kinds of common diseases enteritis etc. According to statistics, the county village clinic's per capita fee in 7 yuan, not to increase farmers' economic burden of the doctor, effectively solve the difficulty and high cost of farmers.
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The court said "no" is still JiangCa house

About LingXian south ring south road 47, a new building 580 square meters of villa in July 12,, is to be demolished. Homeowners XuXiaoJin said he doesn't have received forced demolition notice, in "be compelled helpless under", he was signed to tear open change compensation contract.

The "helpless" behind the demolition is south LingXian court had made on July 1, the administrative order is revoked, before the enforcement of administrative rulings. The court has said no, still can't hold JiangCa? The reporter learns yesterday, this case today in south LingXian trial.

In 2009, XuXiaoJin face, but the house dismantlement with an area of 580 square meters of villa type of house urban-house removing compensation negotiations were stalled. "When the house price far below the market price of the assessment, we don't agree with." on May 30, 2011, the south LingXian rural and urban planning construction committee to county court for compulsory execution. The next day, an administrative ruling, the court is granted for compulsory execution.

XuXiaoJin then proposed "execution shall", request the court to revoke verdict. June 28, LingXian south made by the people's court rulings, think south LingXian administrative urban and rural build appoint in administrative ruling process, not in accordance with the social stability, risk assessment, do not accord with relevant provisions of the supreme people's court spirit. Three days later, granting compulsory execution order before be revoked.
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A dream house was expelled from the royal garden was JiangCa

In HuangBeiLing community along the river road, the palace garden, the reporter sees garden of the entrance of the gates was sealed off, the inside of the building have all been razed to the ground, become the ruins, the scene is in a mess, only 5 in homework. Village resident Mr Wei said, adding the garden district covers belongs to the general staff branch office in shenzhen. In 1991, benevolence and capital construction unit 2 of cooperation and set, each half apartments. One unit 14 sets of benevolence and company by staffing. In both sides sign the contract of land use, the land use term to December 27, 2039 check. Now the owner of the contract hasn't expired, shenzhen animation (gen, tones) rich investment Co., LTD. Will said they have this plot of land use rights, and for this reason to the JiangCa.
Palace garden ROM, says ms JiangCa personnel comes viciously, residents are trying to stop it was in their suddenly and violently dozen, including three homes even cuts in hospital. After the incident, the area of the DuoCi they appeal for the police and the related departments of neighborhood in processing, but there has been no results.
Interactive JiangCa whether illegal JiangCa rich investment?
The owner says, because only ten thousand dollars per person JiangCa compensation, so they have not reached agreement with rich investment. And our the reporter understands, this JiangCa events, probably with untenable.
According to information, interactive rich investment Co., LTD. Of shenzhen in 2003 in royal garden without the knowledge of the owner, and earth place, made wang signed garden district of land use right in the plot, but have no will land again. Now, rich investment reached has made "construction land use planning permit", royal garden district, include the 50000 square meters of land. Reporter trying to rich investment reached further information, but the company registered address it is located in the garden in JiangCa by wang. The person in charge of the cell phone also has been in the line is busy state.
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Cheating in the assessor empty to add a building

HuangJieJi assessor CaoKai for many "estimates" more than 2000 square meters of building area and the punishment, and an evaluation company employees CaiHaiBin has therefore bring punishment. But with CaoKai dereliction evaluation area of great error caused by different, CaiHaiBin is to not to tow demolition work hind leg, deliberately to assessment report empty to add one building method, help CaQianHu cheating the paragraph 18 million yuan. The Beijing no 1 intermediate people's court ascertained that CaiHaiBin behavior has made false documents in accordance with the sin, and sentenced to imprisonment for three years.

And, according to the CaiHaiBin's statement, he was made the appraisal report, because trust their assessment of Beijing XinLong real estate development company commander in chief of the headquarters ZhangGuiLiang (dealt with) tell him, light the progress was slow, LiangMou village buhaore, if he does not move other villagers could do move. If want to let LiangMou go, you have to give his compensation. At the same time, ZhangGuiLiang back to court, he said LiangMou can give the evaluation on one more building, increase the area and badly roughed up. In order not to drag the hind leg of demolition work, he eventually destroyed the bottom of the LiangMou real area, according to table 3 building area to make false evaluation reports, and to the company two assessor qualification staff, in the name of the evaluation report on the sign.

According to this false appraisal report, LiangMou urban-house removing compensation to 27000 square meters of area, its individual get units compensation as high as 3300 more than ten thousand yuan, cheating the paragraph is as high as 18 million yuan

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The new regulations draft version will not apply to the rural collective land

Early in January this year, office http://www.wow-gold-team.com/ (wow gold) of the state council had publicly "to tear open change compensation ordinance" draft, solicited public opinion. And for one year, the illegal, the violence around the new ordinance "and" legislation form the potential of the race. So, when the "new" in the regulations five chapter 31 terms will be how to protect the rights of the citizen? A second drafts and with January's drafts have what different?

Key words: a forced removals
"The government forced demolition" would probably be delimit history, because new regulations stipulated in the draft, "administrative organs http://www.flywowgold.com/ (wow gold) of forced demolition will be canceled, the government and government departmental can't use of administrative compulsion power to tear down the houses of the expropriated." China university of politics and law professor, vice President of MaHuaiDe, said the right will shift to judicial organs.

MaHuaiDe: "also is made to the collection of administrative organs, the parties decided to implement it, and bring an action. So this time the houses of the government on how to compensate department, can apply to the court for compulsory execution by court review requisition decision of compensation decision or close illegimate, and then make a decision on whether forced evictions."

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sibility stronger, is by the third party http://www.85wowgold.com/ (wow gold) to do the judgement of equality. From the public management point of view, it is no longer a strong party for weak party. Drafts inside I think this thing is so worth to pay attention to."

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Rural demolition of tongzhou directly to households

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"Two stood a street" project
The project is light rail line stand http://www.flywowgold.com/ (wow gold) and Fa alng L2 canal stand, times along the canal station commercial street level of land development project ", covers an area of 17.19 square kilometers, project development involves a lake town times a second, north, small camp, east stone, MaiZhuang, mulberry fields, ShuiNa, west TaiPingZhuang, wing lung in tuen mun, guangxi home, DuoZi grave, the earth, ancient chong, new river for 14 of the village of whole moves.

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